Last Updated: Monday July 03, 2006

FORM P. T. 13



(See Rule 9)


Office of Assessing Authority

…………….………..……. District

No. ………………………………






1.    In view of information received by me with regard to the under mentioned property owned/occupied by you, it is necessary to amend the valuation list for the reasons and in the manner indicated below so far as it relates to this property.



2.    You are hereby required to file objections, if any, in writing, to the proposed amendment within 14 days of the service of this notice.

3.    In case you fail to file an objection within the period specified above, the proposed amendment will be given effect to and will be binding on all concerned.


Signature …………………………………..

Assessing Authority ……………………

Rating Area ………………………………..


Signature of Bank Officer(s)


Dated at ………………………………

This ………………………... day of ………………20

Description of Property

1.    Rating Area ………………………………………………..

2.    Sub-Division of Mohallah and Street …………………………

3.    No. of the property in the property register ………………

(House, Bungalow, Shop, Vacant land, etc.)

4.    Use to which the property is being put …………………….


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