Updated: Monday January 20, 2014/AlEthnien Rabi' Awwal 19, 1435/Somavara Pausa 30, 1935, at 07:14:52 PM

The Azad Jammu and Kashmir Supreme Court Power of Review Act, 1980




An Act to confer the power of review on the Supreme Court of Azad Jammu and Kashmir

WHEREAS it is expedient to confer the power of review on the Supreme Court of Azad Jammu and Kashmir: It is hereby enacted as follows:‑--

1. Short title and commencement.‑---- (1) This Act may be called the Supreme Court (Power of Review) Act, 1980.


(2) It shall come into force at once

2. Supreme Court to have go to review judgments and orders. The Supreme Court of Azad Jammu and Kashmir shall have power subject to the provisions of any law and of any rules made by the Supreme Court, to review any judgment pronounced or any order made by it.


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