Updated: Wednesday January 15, 2014/AlArbia'a
Rabi' Awwal 14, 1435/Budhavara
Pausa 25, 1935, at 08:29:46 PM
The Appropriation Ordinance, 1961
[30th June, 1961]
An Ordinance to authorize payment and appropriation of
certain sums from and out of the Federal Consolidate Fund for the service of
the period beginning on the first day of July, 1961 and ending on the thirtieth
day of June, 1962.
WHEREAS it is expedient to authorize payment and
appropriation of certain sums from and out of the Federal Consolidated Fund for
the service of the period beginning on the first day of July, 1961 and ending
on the thirtieth day of June, 1964;
NOW THEREFORE in pursuance of the Proclamation of the
seventh day of October, 1958, and in exercise of all powers enabling him in
that behalf, the President is pleased to make and promulgate the following
1. Short title. ---This Ordinance may be called the Appropriation Ordinance, 1961.
2. Issue of Rs. 13,48,99,42,000 out of Federal
Consolidated Fund for the period beginning on the first day of July, 1961, and
ending on the thirtieth day of June, 1962. From and out of the Federal Consolidated Fund there may be paid and
applied sums not exceeding those specified in column (3) of the Schedule to
this Ordinance, amounting in the aggregate to the stun of rupees one thousand
three hundred and forty-eight crores, ninety-nine lakhs and forty-two thousand
towards defraying the several charges which will come in course of payment
during the period beginning on the first day of July, 1961 and ending on the
thirtieth day of June, 1962, in respect of the services and purposes specified
in column (2) of the Schedule.
3. Appropriation.--The sums authorized to be paid and applied from and out of the Federal
Consolidated Fund by this Ordinance shall be appropriated for the services and purposes
expressed in the Schedule in relation to the said period.
(See sections 2 and 3)
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
Sums not exceeding |
No. of Authorization. |
Services and Purposes |
Authorized by the President. |
Charged on the Federal Consolidated Fund. |
Total |
Rs. |
Rs. |
Rs, |
1. |
Ministry of Commerce |
63,93,000 |
.. |
63,93,000 |
2. |
Commercial intelligence |
4,88,000 |
.. |
4,88,000 |
3. |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of Commerce |
17,00,000 |
-- |
17,00,000 |
4. |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Commerce |
15,15,000 |
-- |
15,15,000 |
5. |
Capital Outlay on Jute and Cotton Purchases |
25,000 |
-- |
25,000 |
6 |
Ministry of Defence |
25,64,000 |
-- |
25,64,000 |
7 |
Meteorology |
74,39,000 |
-- |
74,39,000 |
8 |
Aviation |
2,02,99,000 |
-- |
2,02,99,000 |
9 |
Defence Services |
99,91,00,000 |
-- |
99,91,00,000 |
10 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of Defence |
52,80,000 |
-- |
52,80,000 |
11 |
Capital Outlay on Civil Aviation |
4,41,25,000 |
-- |
4,41,25,000 |
12 |
Capital Outlay on Defence Services |
7,74,00,000 |
-- |
7,74,00,000 |
13 |
Ministry of Education and Scientific Research |
40,40,000 |
-- |
40,40,000 |
14 |
Archaeology and Museums |
20,95,000 |
-- |
20,95,000 |
15 |
Assistance to Educational Institutions |
1,36,90,000 |
-- |
1,36,90,000 |
16 |
Technical Education |
10,54,000 |
-- |
10,54,000 |
17 |
21,01,000 |
-- |
21,01,000 |
18 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of Education
and Scientific Research |
1,17,61,000 |
-- |
1,17,61,000 |
19 |
Ministry of External Affairs |
39,22,000 |
-- |
39,22,000 |
20 |
External Affairs |
2,83,58,000 |
2,83,58,000 |
21 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of External
Affairs |
27,42,000 |
-- |
27,42,000 |
22 |
Capital Outlay on Works of the Ministry of External
Affairs |
30,00,000 |
-- |
30,00,000 |
23 |
Ministry of Finance |
64,50,000 |
-- |
64,50,000 |
24 |
Central Board of Revenue |
13,08,000 |
-- |
13,08,000 |
25 |
Sea Customs |
79,38,000 |
-- |
79,38,000 |
26 |
Land Customs and Central Excise |
2,17,02,000 |
-- |
2,17 02,000 |
27 |
Taxes on Income, Corporation Tax and Sales Tax |
74,96,000 |
-- |
74,96,000 |
28 |
Estate Duty |
79,000 |
-- |
79,000 |
- Debt Services |
22,04,14,000 |
22,04,14,000 |
- Audit |
2,46,18,000 |
2,46,18,000 |
29 |
Currency |
47,45,000 |
-- |
47,45,000 |
30 |
28,28,000 |
-- |
28,28,000 |
31 |
Superannuation Allowances and Pensions |
77,43,000 |
-- |
77,43,000 |
32 |
Technical Assistance Schemes |
6,21,08,000 |
-- |
6,21,08,000 |
33 |
Grants-in-Aid and Miscellaneous Adjustments between
the Central and Provincial Governments |
2,39,92,000 |
-- |
2,39,92,000 |
34 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of Finance |
5,08,000 |
-- |
5,08,000 |
35 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Finance |
11,62,000 |
-- |
11,62,000 |
36 |
Capital Outlay on Currency |
2,01,56,000 |
-- |
2,01,56,000 |
37 |
Capital Outlay on Pensions |
50,83,000 |
-- |
50,83,000 |
38 |
Miscellaneous Capital In*vestments |
4,22,49,000 |
-- |
4,22,49,000 |
- Repayment of Debt |
7,70,91,65,000 |
7,70,91,65,000 |
39 |
Development Loans and Advances by the Central
Government |
8,42,54,000 |
86,46,30,000 |
94,88,84,000 |
40 |
Other Loans and Advances by the Central Government |
70,73,000 |
-- |
70,73,000 |
41 |
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Food Division) |
17,55,000 |
-- |
17,55,000 |
42 |
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Agriculture
Division) |
20,76,000 |
-- |
20,76,000 |
43 |
6,90,000 |
-- |
6,90,000 |
44 |
Survey of |
68,14,000 |
-- |
68,14,000 |
45 |
Botanical and Zoological Survey Departments |
2,08,000 |
-- |
2,08,000 |
46 |
Agriculture |
52,81,000 |
-- |
52,81,000 |
47 |
Veterinary Services |
7,85,000 |
-- |
7,85,000 |
48 |
Fisheries |
3,05,000 |
-- |
3,05,000 |
49 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of Food and
Agriculture |
5,97,25,000 |
-- |
5,97,25,000 |
50 |
Capital Outlay on Forests, Agriculture and Fisheries |
73,53,000 |
-- |
73,53,000 |
51 |
Capital Outlay on Food Storage and Other Works |
3,44,34,000 |
-- |
3,44,34,000 |
52 |
Capital Outlay on Purchase of Fertilizers |
7,82,35,000 |
-- |
7,82,35,000 |
53 |
Capital Outlay on Purchases by the Ministry of Food
and Agriculture |
1,61,32,04,000 |
-- |
1,61,32,04,000 |
54 |
Grants to Provincial Governments for Agricultural
Development |
6,00,00,000 |
-- |
6,00,00,000 |
55 |
Ministry of Fuel, Power and Natural Resources |
28,34,000 |
-- |
28,34,000 |
56 |
Bureau of Mineral Resources |
27,49,000 |
-- |
27,49,000 |
57 |
Salt |
31,40,000 |
-- |
31,40,000 |
58 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of Fuel,
Power and Natural Resources |
16,11,000 |
-- |
16,11,000 |
59 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Fuel, Power and
Natural Resources |
9,25,58,000 |
-- |
9,25,58,000 |
60 |
Capital Outlay on Mineral Development |
2,51,50,000 |
-- |
2,51,50,000 |
61 |
Capital Outlay on Irrigation and Electricity |
8,77,01,000 |
-- |
8,77,01,000 |
62 |
Capital Outlay on Fuel and Power |
6,17,28,000 |
-- |
6,17,28,000 |
63 |
Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Welfare
(Health Division) |
8,71,000 |
-- |
8,71,000 |
64 |
Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Welfare
(Labour and Social Welfare Division) |
20,72,000 |
-- |
20,72,000 |
65 |
Medical Services |
1,87,38,000 |
-- |
1,87,38,000 |
66 |
Public Health |
21,96,000 |
-- |
21,96,000 |
67 |
Manpower and Employment Organization |
39,15,000 |
-- |
39,15,000 |
68 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of Health,
Labour and Social Wel*fare (Health Division) |
35,85,000 |
-- |
35,85,000 |
69 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of Health,
Labour and Social Welfare (Labour and Social Welfare Division) |
36,54,000 |
-- |
36,54,000 |
70 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Health, Labour
and Social Welfare (Labour and Social Welfare Division) |
35,97,000 |
-- |
35,97,000 |
71 |
Capital Outlay on Medical Stores |
2,63,27,000 |
-- |
2,63,27,000 |
72 |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
18,86,000 |
-- |
18,86,000 |
73 |
Passport Organization |
14,74,000 |
-- |
14,74,000 |
74 |
Police |
2,76,62,000 |
-- |
2,76,62,000 |
75 |
Civil Defence |
4,06,000 |
-- |
4,06,000 |
76 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Home Affairs |
23,57,000 |
-- |
23,57,000 |
77 |
3,40,73,000 |
-- |
3,40,73,000 |
78 |
Development Expenditure of the |
18,52,000 |
-- |
18,52,000 |
79 |
Ministry of Industries |
23,32,000 |
-- |
23,32,000 |
80 |
Industries |
4,70,000 |
-- |
4,70,000 |
81 |
Department of Supply and Development |
73,34,000 |
-- |
73,34,000 |
82 |
Stationery and Printing |
1,63,80,000 |
-- |
1,63,80,000 |
83 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of
Industries |
2,00,000 |
-- |
2,00,000 |
84 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Industries |
5,92,000 |
-- |
5,92,000 |
85 |
Capital Outlay on |
15,41,05,000 |
-- |
15,41,05,000 |
86 |
Capital Outlay on Printing Presses |
5,15,000 |
-- |
5,15,000 |
87 |
Capital Outlay on Miscellaneous Stores |
4,00,000 |
-- |
4,00,000 |
88 |
Ministry of Kashmir Affairs |
7,19,000 |
-- |
7,19,000 |
89 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of Kashmir
Affairs |
53,00,000 |
-- |
53,00,000 |
90 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs |
11,55,000 |
-- |
11,55,000 |
91 |
Capital Outlay on Purchases by the Ministry of
Kashmir Affairs |
2,29,80,000 |
-- |
2,29,80,000 |
92 |
Ministry of Law |
9,84,000 |
-- |
9,84,000 |
---Supreme Court |
6,52,000 |
6,52,000 |
93 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Law |
7,59,000 |
-- |
7,59,000 |
94 |
Ministry of National Reconstruction and Information |
1,07,05,000 |
-- |
1,07,05,000 |
95 |
1,21,72,000 |
-- |
1,21,72,000 |
96 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of National
Reconstruction and Information |
86,48,000 |
-- |
86,48,000 |
97 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of National
Reconstruction and Information |
43,53,000 |
-- |
43,53,000 |
98 |
Capital Outlay on Village AID Programme |
1,75,12,000 |
-- |
1,75,12,000 |
99 |
Capital Outlay on Broad* casting Service |
1,20,00,000 |
-- |
1,20,00,000 |
100 |
President's Secretariat (Cabinet Division and
Projects Division) |
63,68,000 |
-- |
63,68,000 |
101 |
President's Secretariat (Establishment Division) |
28,68,000 |
-- |
28 68 000 |
102 |
Cabinet |
8,87, 000 |
-- |
887,000 |
103 |
Planning Commission |
19,95,000 |
-- |
19,95,000 |
- Staff, Household and Allowances of the President |
13,17,000 |
13,17,000 |
- Elections |
12,90,000 |
12,90,000 |
- Federal Public Service Com*mission |
10,70,000 |
10,70,000 |
104 |
Development Expenditure of the President's
Secretariat |
12,25,000 |
-- |
12,25,000 |
105 |
Other Expenditure of the President's Secretariat |
3,30,000 |
-- |
3,30,000 |
106 |
Ministry of Railways and communications |
7,02,000 |
-- |
7,02,000 |
107 |
13,88,95,000 |
77,00,000 |
14,65,95,000 |
108 |
Management of |
18,10,000 |
-- |
18,10,000 |
109 |
Department of Shipping Control and Mercantile Marine |
3,83,000 |
-- |
3,83,000 |
110 |
Lighthouses and Lightships |
2,73,000 |
-- |
2,73,000 |
111 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of Railways
and Communications |
40,29,000 |
-- |
40,29,000 |
112 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Railways and
Communications |
1,63,95,000 |
-- |
1,63,95,000 |
113 |
Capital outlay on Pakistan Posts and Telegraphs
Department |
7,00,00,000 |
-- |
7,00,00,000 |
114 |
Capital Outlay on Ports and Communications |
65,00,000 |
-- |
65,00,000 |
115 |
Ministry of Rehabilitation and Works |
12,32,000 |
-- |
12,32,000 |
116 |
Civil Works |
6,62,93,000 |
3,10,000 |
6,66,03,000 |
117 |
Rehabilitation of Displaced Persons and Protection
of Evacuee Property |
3,47,35,000 |
-- |
3,47,35,000 |
118 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of
Re*habilitation and Works |
29,47,000 |
-- |
29,47,000 |
119 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of Rehabilita*tion
and Works |
3,13,000 |
-- |
3,13,000 |
120 |
Capital Outlay on New Federal Capital |
4,00,00,000 |
-- |
4,00,00,000 |
121 |
Capital Outlay on Civil Works |
7,06,17,000 |
-- |
7,06,17,000 |
122 |
Capital Outlay on Rehabi*litation of Displaced
Persons from |
25,00,000 |
-- |
25,00,000 |
123 |
Ministry of States and Frontier Regions |
7,04,000 |
-- |
7,04,000 |
124 |
Frontier Regions |
7,12,86,000 |
-- |
7,12,86,000 |
- Privy Purses |
51,04,000 |
51,04,000 |
125 |
Development Expenditure of the Ministry of States
and Frontier Regions |
16,87,000 |
-- |
16,87,000 |
126 |
Other Expenditure of the Ministry of States and
Frontier Regions |
1,17,000 |
-- |
1,17,000 |
4,65,36,72,000 |
8,83,62,70,000 |
13,48,99,42,000 |
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