Updated: Thursday February 20, 2014/AlKhamis Rabi' Thani 20, 1435/Bruhaspathivara Phalguna 01, 1935, at 02:16:17 PM

The Essential Personnel (Registration) Ordinance, 1948

Ordinance No X of 1948

(Published in the Gaz. of Pakistan Extr. dated 17-2-48)

[17th February, 1948]

An Ordinance to provide for the compulsory registration of essential personnel at Employment Exchanges

Whereas an emergency has arisen which renders it necessary to take Power to require essential personnel to register at Employment Exchanges set up by the Government of Pakistan.

Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 24 of the Government of India Act 1935 (26 Geo. 5. c. 2), as adapted by the Pakistan (Provisional Constitution) Order. 1947, the Governor-General is pleased to make and promulgate the following Ordinance:---


Schedule of Essential Personnel

1.      Engineer (Civil). 2.

2.      Engineer (Electrical).

3.   Engineer (Mechanical),

4.   Engineer (Aeronautical).

 5.  Engineer (Wireless).

6.   Engineer (Sound).

7.   Engineer (Marine).

8.   Chemist,

 9.  Metallurgist.

10. Geologist.

11. Mineralogi3t.

12. Meteorologist.

13. Workshop Foreman.

14.  Surgeon.

15.  Physician.

16.  Radiologist.

17.  Pathologist.

18.  Bacteriologist.

19.  Dentist.

20.  Public Health Officer.

21.  Nurse.

22.  Veterinary Surgeon.

23   Armourer Entries 23to 80 added vide Gaz. of Pak 1969 Pt. 1, p. 58)

24.  Blacksmith,

 25. Springsmith.

26.  Heavy forge smith.

 27. Drop stumper.

28.  Boiler maker.

29.  Boiler platter.

30.  Riveter.

 31. Bronzer.

 32. Lacquerer.

33.  Draughtsman (mechanical).

34.  Die sinker.

 35. Engine driver (steam).

36.  Engine driver (internal combustion engines).

37.  Fitter (heavy industrial machines).

38.  Fitter (gauge and tool).

39.  Instrument mechanic.

40.  Machinist.

 41. Mouldor.

42.  Pattern maker.

43.  Refrigerator mechanic.

44.  Tinplate maker.

45.  Tool maker.

46.  Welder (oxy-acetylene).

47.  Welder (Electrical).

48.  Aircraft mechanic.

49.  Aircraft fitter.

50.  Precision grinder (optical).

Engineering (Power House)

      51. Cable Joiner.

      52. Electrician.

      53. Linesman (overhead).

      54. Main superintendent. 

      55. Meter reader.

      56. Sub-section attendant.

      57 Switches Board operator

      58. Wireman.

Engineering (Electrical)

     59. Armature winder.

     60. Electroplater.

     61. Fitter.

Engineering (Civil)

    62. Draughtsman (architectural).

    63, Surveyor

  . 64. Spray painter, 65. Plumber,


    66. Cabinet maker

    67. Saddler.

    68. Harness maker.

    69. Stenographer (having a speed of 80 words and above).

    70. Lithographer.

    71. Lithoprinter.

    72. Rota builder.

    73. Shipwrights.

    74. Telecommunication mechanic.

    75. Crystal cutter (Telecommunications).

    76. Coach builder (Railway).

    77. Dipper checker (Petroleum storage and supply).

    78 Fitter (Petroleum storage and supply):

    79. Wireless operator.

    80. Aircraft Pilot] ((a) Entries 81 to 85 added by Noti. EE, (A)-81 of 27 Dec. 1954, Gaz. of Pak 31 December 1954. (b) Vide Noti. 2-8 (L-II1) 63-Lab-VI, Gaz. of West Pak. Pt. 1 Dec. 20, 1963, in its application to West Pakistan the Governor of West Pakistan added the following entries 81 to 91 in its application to West Pakistan

    81. Radio mechanic

    82. Foreman excavating machinery.

    83. Draftsman topographical.

    84 General out-door machine operator.

    85. Driver mobile crane.

    86. Heavy motor/lorry driver.

    87. Mechanic (IC)

    88. Ordnance artificer

    89. Operator excavating machinery.

    90. Operator tele-printer.

    91. Tin and copper smith.)

    92. Tailors (machine and hand).

    93. Fire Engine drivers.

    94: Fire leaders.

    95. Firemen.

    96. Vehicle Mechanic] (Entries 86 to 119 added by Noti. S. R. O. 980 (I) 72 of 20 Oct. 1972, Gaz. of Pak. Ext r. 25 Oct. 1972. Pt. II. p. 1000.)

    97. Radio mechanic.

    98. Foreman excavating machinery.

    99. Draughtsman topographical.

    100. General outdoor mechanic operator.

    101. Driver mobile crane.

    102. Heavy motor or lorry driver.

    103 Mechanics (IC)-

    104. Ordnance artificer.

    105. Operator excavating machinery.

    106. Operator teleprinter.

    107. Tin and coppersmith.

    108 Anesthetists.

    109. X-ray Technician.

    110 Laboratory Technician.

    111. Dispenser

    112. Radiographer.

    113. Physiotherapist.

    114. Operation-Theatre Attendant.

    115. Turner.

    116. Grinder (General Machine).

    117. Barber.

    118. Dhobi.

    119. ENT Specialist.

    120. Ophthalmologist.

    121. Dermatologist.

    122. Engineer (Electronics).

    123. Mental Nursing Assistant.

    124. Boiler Attendant.

    125. Equipment & Boot Repairer.

    126. Cook.

    127. Operator Laundry Plant.

    128. Store-keeper.

    129. Sweeper.

    130. Watchmaker] (Schedule II subs for the original Schedule Noti S. R. O. 1395 (k), Gaz. of Pak. Pt. I. 21 October. s1960. p. 499)


Registration Farm for Essential Personnel

Industry Code No Name of Exchange Category and Occupational S No Year



1. Name in full (Block letters)

2. Father’s Name

3. Home address

4. Present address

5. Date of available), year of birth

6. Profession

7. Actual occupation

8. Religion

9. Employed/Un-employed self-employed

10. Educational qualifications (Enclose attested copies of certificates, if available). (n) General (b) Technical.

11. Language: Read Speak Write

12. Apprenticeship. Name of Factory; Shop in which trained From ...To...

13. Research papers published....

14. Special/additional qualifications or courses.

15. Occupational record:- Pay on leaving dame and address of Post Date of Date of
Factory/Institution/ joining leaving employers

The information recorded above is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Date -------------------- 19 Signature --------------------

Note:-A separate sheet may be attached if the space provided for items 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 is not sufficient.




Ordinance No X of 1948

(Published in the Gaz. of Pakistan Extr. dated 17-2-48)

[17th February, 1948]

An Ordinance to provide for the compulsory registration of essential personnel at Employment Exchanges


([Schedule III Subs. for the original Schedule. Gaz. of Pak. Pt I, 21 ct., 1960, p. 500.)

List of Employment Exchangers together with their addresses and area served by them


S. Employment Exchange Area served
1. Regional Employment Whole of the ((Subs. for “Karachi Administration
area” by P. O. 1 of 1964, Sch.)[Karachi Division,
Exchange, Valika Ma- suburbs excluding area served by Employ
hal, Jehangir Sethna went Exchange Industrial Trading Estate,
Road, Karachi. Karachi.
2. Employment Exchange, In the south it will be bound by Harris
Industrial Trading Es- Road
, starting from Karachi Health Asso
tate, Manghopir Road, ciation Building going eastward meet Em
Karachi. bankment Road, Lea Market Quarters.
Harichand Rai Read up to the crossing of
Harichand Rai Road and Sobhraj Chelu
mal Road, from thence the boundary line
will go along the north of Rivet Lyari up
to the Municipal boundary. On the east
the boundary will start from the Karachi
Health Association Building
and will go
along the north of nullah up to the sea
beach. In the north it will go fight tap to
sea beach.
3. Employment Exchange, Hyderabad and Khairpur Divisions,
41/526, Miani Road,
Near Ritz Hotel, Hy
derabad Cantonment.
4.Employment Exchange, Quetta and Kalat Divisions.
Barrack No. 20--21, Old
Police Line, Jail Road,
5. Employment Exchange, Bahawalpur Division and the District of
Sindhu Hessam Road
, Multan
Near Chowk Nawan
Sheher, Multan.
6. Employment Exchange, District of (Subs. for

Montgomery” by Ord. XXVII of 1981, s. 3
& Second Sch.)[Sahiwal]

Station Road, Opposite
General Post Office
(Subs. for “Montgomery” by Ord.
XXVII of 1981, s. 3 & Second
7. Regional Employment, Districts of Lahore and Sheikbupura.
Exchange, 34, Lawrence
, Lahore
8. Employment Exchange, District of Sialkot.
Sufaid Kothi, Parsi
, Sialkot
9. Employment Exchange. Districts of (Subs. for “Lyallpur” ibid.)

[Faisalabad] and Jhang.

District Board Sarai,
(Subs. for “Lyallpur” ibid.)
10. Employment Exchange, District of Gujranwala.
Road No. 35, Satellite
Town, Gujranwala.
11. Employment Exchange, Districts of Sargodha and Mianwali.
8-A, New Civil Line,
Haripur Road, Sargodha.
12. Employment. Exchange. Districts of Jhelum and Gujrat.
Lodhi building, Talli
anwaia Road, Jhelum.
13. Regional Employment Districts of Rawalpindi and Campbellpur.
Exchange, 145, Muree
, Rawalpindi
14. Employment Exchange, Districts of Peshawar Mardanand Hazara
4, The Mall, Peshawar. and the adjoining Special Areas.
15. Employment Exchange, Districts of Kohat, Bannu and Dira Ismail
1, Hangu Road, Kohat. Khan and the adjoining Special Areas.

(Items 16 to 20 and entries against them omitted by P. O. 4 of 1975 dated 28 July 1975, s. 2 (1) and Sch.)* * * * * * * * *


Ordinance No. X of 1948

(Published in the Gaz. of Pakistan Extr. dated 17-2-48.)

[17th February, 1948]

An Ordinance to provide for the compulsory registration of essential personnel at Employment Exchanges.


(Subs. for the original words by P. O. 4 of 1975, s. 2 (1) & Sch.)[Government of ---------------------------------------------------

(Name of the Province)

Department of ------------------------------------------------------

(Name of the department concerned)

Directorate of --------------------------------------------------------

(Name of directorate concerned)]


Essential Personnel Registration Certificate

[Vide Section 5 (1) of Ordinance No. X of 1948]

It is hereby-certified that Mr.-------------------------------------------- son of Mr. -------------------------------------residing at --------------------------------------- was registered at this Employment Exchange on ----------------( Subs. for “as an essential personnel”, Noti. EE (A)-81 (1), 27 Dec. 1954, Gaz. of Pak. Pt. 1, 31 Dec. 1954, p. 335.) [in the category of essential personnel] and that his registration number is--------------------------------------------------------------------
Employment Exchange. Signature.------------------
Date ------------------ 19


Ref. No .....................

Office of the District Magistrate
Deputy Commissioner .............
Memorandum Dated ………. 19

[Vide Section 5 (4) of Ordinance No. X of 1948]

The receipt of your application dated ---------------- for registration at an Employment Exchange as an essential personnel in accordance with section 4 (1) of Ordinance No. X of 1948, is hereby acknowledged.
2. On receipt of the registration certificate from the Employment Exchange it will be forwarded to you by registered (acknowledgment due) post.
3. Please quote the above reference number in future correspondence.





1. Short title extent and commencement.-(1) This Ordinance may be called the Essential Personnel (Registration) Ordinance, 1948.

(2) To extends to the whole of (The words “the Dominion of “omitted by Ord. XXXIII of 1960, s. 2.)* * * * Pakistan.

(3) It shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions.-To this Ordinance, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,---

(a) “essential personnel”, includes all persons normally (Subs, by Essential Personnel (Registration) Ord. (Amendment) Act, 1948 (28 of 1948), s. 2, for -employed in any of the capacities”.) [exercising or following any of the professions, occupations or employments] specified in Schedule 1; (Added by Ord. XXXIII of 1960, s, 3.) [and persons trained or qualified to exercise or follow any such profession or employment.]
(Subs. for the original sub-clause by Ord. XXXIII of 1960, s. 3.)

[(b) “Employment Exchange” means an Employment Exchange set up by the (Subs for “Central Government’’ by P. O. 1 of 1964.) [Provincial Government].]

(c) “Manager of an Employment Exchange” means the Officer-in-Charge of an Employment Exchange and so appointed by the Government.

(Inserted by Act 28 of 1948.) [(d) “Schedule” means a Schedule to this Ordinance.]

3. Liability to register at employment exchanges.- (Subs. for the original section by Ord, XXXIII of 1960, s. 4.) (1) All essential personnel over the age of 18 and under the age or 60 Sears, residing in Pakistan, and not being employees of the Federal or any Provincial Government, shall be liable to register themselves at an Employment Exchange.

(2) Every person in charge of any institution which trains such essential personnel as aforesaid, or from where such personnel qualify, shall furnish to the Manager of the Employment Exchange concerned such information as he may from time to time require.

(3) All employers other than the (Subs. for “Central Government” by P. O. 4 of 1975, s. 2 (3))[Federal Government] and Provincial Governments shall be liable to get all persons to whom this Ordinance applies and who are employed by them registered at an Employment Exchange, if such persons are not already so registered.

(4) Every person registered under this Ordinance shall notify any change of address, acquisition of new skills and change in employment status at once to the Employment Exchange where he is registered]

4. Place of Registration.-(1) All persons included within the definition of essential personnel shall register themselves at one of the Employment Exchanges detailed in Schedule III.

(2) In cases where it is not feasible for the essential personnel to call in person at the Employment Exchange to get registered they may submit by registered (acknowledgment due) post their particulars for registration on the form prescribed in Schedule II, to,---

(a) the Manager, Employment Exchange within whose area they reside; or

(b) the District Magistrate of the district in which they reside.

5. Registration Certificate.-(1) The Employment Exchange to which application is made shall issue within 10 days of the receipt of the application a registration certificate in the form prescribed in Schedule IV.

(2) When the application is made personally the Employment Exchange to which the application is made shall forthwith give to the applicant a memorandum as given in Schedule V acknowledging receipt of the application and specifying the time and date when the applicant should present himself to receive the registration certificate.

(3) When the application is received by post the registration certificate shall be issued within 10 days by registered (acknowledgment due) post to the applicant.

(4) When the application is submitted to the District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner, he shall then issue to the appellant by registered (acknowledgment due) post a memorandum as specified in Schedule VI acknowledging receipt of the application and shall forward the application to the Employment Exchange whose area covers the district concerned. On receipt of the application from the District Magistrate the exchange shall register the applicant and issue a registration certificate in respect of the applicant in accordance with section 5 (1) above and forward the registration certificate to the District Magistrate who will then issue it to the applicant concerned.

6. Penalties and Procedure.- (Subs. by Act 28 of 1948, s. 5 for the original subsection (1).) [(1) Any person who, being within the age-limits mentioned in (Added by Ord. XXXIII of 1960, s. 5.) [sub-section (1) of section 3] and normally exercising or following any profession, occupation or employment which is, in pursuance of the provisions of section 7, may be specified in Schedule I, fails without sufficient cause to apply for registration within two months of that profession, occupation or employment being so specified (Added by Ord. XXXIII of 1960, s. 5.)[and any person who otherwise contravenes the provision of section 3J, shall be punishable with fine not exceeding five hundred rupees.]

(Subs. for sub-sec. 2. ibid.) [Explanation-The provisions of this sub-section shall apply,---

(a) to any person normally exercising or following any profession, occupation or employment specified in Schedule I who,---

(i) enters Pakistan with the intention of permanent residence therein and is within the age-limits mentioned in sub-section (1) of section 3, or

(ii) attains the age of eighteen years, or

(b) to any person who, with the intention of exercising or following such profession, occupation or employment, becomes qualified so to do and is within the said age-limits, as if for the date of specification the date of entry or attainment of that qualification, as the case may be, were substituted.

(Sub-sec. (3) subs. by West Pakistan Ordinance V of 1965 in its application to the Province of West Pakistan. for the original sub-section.) [(3) No Court shall take cognizance of the offence except on complaint lodged by or made on the authority of the Joint Director, Employment Exchanges, West Pakistan.]

7. Powers to amend Schedules.- (Subs. for the original section by Ord. XVII of 1949, s. 6.) The (Subs. for “Central Government” by P.O. 1 of 1964. Sch.) [appropriate Government] may, by notification in the official Gazette, amend or alter any Schedule.]
(Explanation substituted for the original Explanation by P. O. 4 of 1975 dated 28 July 1975, s. 2 (1) and Sch.) [Explanation.-Appropriate Government in relation to Schedules I and II means the Federal Government and the Provincial Government and, in relation to other Schedules, the Provincial Government].


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