Updated: Sunday April 13, 2014/AlAhad Jamada El Thaniah 13, 1435/Ravivara Chaitra 23, 1936, at 07:23:42 AM

The Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act (Extension to Tribal Areas of Baluchistan) Regulation, 1974


RGLN.. Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act (Extension to Tribal Areas of Baluchistan) Regulation 1974

A Regulation to extend the Good Conduct Prisoners' Probational Release Act, 1926 (Punjab Act X of 1926), to the Tribal Areas of Baluchistan

[Gazette of Baluchistan, Extraordinary, 25th May 1974]

No. Legis. 2-9/Law/73.---The following Regulation made by the Governor of Baluchistan on the 25th May, 1974, is hereby published for general information:---

Preamble.-Whereas it is expedient to extend the Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act, 1926 (Punjab Act X of 1926), to the Tribal Areas of Baluchistan;

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by clause (4) of Article 247 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Governor of Baluchistan, with the prior approval of the President, is pleased to make and promulgate the following Regulation, namely:---

1. Short title, extent and commencement.---(1) This Regulation may be called the Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act (Extension to Tribal Areas of Baluchistan) Regulation, 1974.

(2) It extends to the whole of the Tribal Areas of the Province of Baluchistan.

(3) It shall come into force at once.

2. Extension of Punjab Act X of 1926 to the Tribal Areas of Baluchistan.----The provisions of the Good Conduct Prisoners Probational Release Act, 1926 (Punjab Act X of 1926), and the rules made thereunder shall apply to the whole of the Tribal Areas of the Province of Baluchistan as they apply to the other Areas of the Province.


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