Updated: Monday May 09, 2016/AlEthnien
Sha'ban 02, 1437/Somavara
Vaisakha 19, 1938, at 04:10:51 AM
The Publication of the Holy Quran
(Elimination of Printing Errors) Act, 1973
An Act to ensure publication of the text
of the Holy Quran free from errors of printing.
WHEREAS it is expedient to
ensure publication of the text of the Holy Quran free from errors of printing,
and matters connected therewith;
It is hereby enacted as
1. Short title, extent
and commencement.-(1)
This Act may be called the Publication of the Holy Quran (Elimination of
Printing 2[and
Recording] Errors) Act, 1973.
(2) It extends to the whole
(3) It shall come into
force at once.
2. Definitions. In this Act, unless there is anything
repugnant in the subject or context,---
3[(a) “Ayah” means a sentence, clause or verse of the Holy
Quran at the end of which the sign “O” is given in the standard copy;
(aa) “Committee” means the Committee of Ulema appointed
under section 4;]
(b) “Holy Quran” means the Holy Quran in the Arabic text,
published in complete form, or the form of parts (paras) or Chapters (Surahs),
but does not include extracts published in text-books or prayer-books or
religious treaties;
(c) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
(d) “publisher” means a person or an association of persons,
registered under section 3 as publisher of the Holy Quran;
4[(dd) “record of the Holy Qur’an” means the Holy Qur’an
recited in human voice and recorded by any modern means of recording conforming
to the text thereof contained in the standard copy;
(ddd) “recording company” means a person, or an association
of persons, registered under section 3 as a recording company;]
(e) “standard copy” means a copy of the Holy Quran authenticated
by the Committee as correct and free from errors of printing.
1 For Statement Objects and Reasons,
see Gaz. of P., 1973, Ext., Pt. III, p. 1188.
2 Ins. by the Publication of the
Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) (Amdt.) Act, 1987 (10 of 1987), s.
3 Subs. by the Publication of the
Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) (Amdt.) Act, 1976 (38 of 1976), s.
2, for the original cl. (a).
* Not extended to
4 Ins. and subs. by the Publication
of the Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) (Amdt.) Act, 1987 (10 of
1987), ss, 3 and 4.
3. Registration of
publishers 1[and
recording companies.]. Any publisher who intends to publish 1[and
any recording company which intends to record, the Holy Qur’an shall get
himself or itself] registered with the Auqaf Department of the Provincial
Government within whose jurisdiction he is carrying on his business in such
manner, on payment of such fee and on such terms and conditions as may be
4. Committee of Ulema.___(1) The Federal Government shall appoint a
Committee of Ulema comprising prominent Ulema, Huffaz and Qaris of
all schools of thought amongst Muslims.
(2) The Federal Government
shall cause a copy of the Holy Quran to be prepared and forward it to the
Committee for authentication.
(3) After authentication by
the Committee, the standard copy shall be kept in the Government archives for
safe custody.
5. Publishing of Holy
Quran.___(1) A publisher may print the Holy Quran
in off-set, photostate, photo-block or any other modern system of printing but
he shall not print it in litho process.
(2) In printing the Holy
Quran, a publisher shall use paper the use of which is not prohibited by the
Federal Government.
(3) Every publisher shall
get his specimen copy 1[and
every recording company shall get its specimen record,] of the Holy Quran
compared with the text of the standard copy by a person holding a diploma from
a religious institution or a certificate of Moulvi Fazil or a
qualified Qari who is also a hafiz or a
person trained in the job of proof reading in Arabic and have a certificate
recorded by such person at the end to the effect that the text and references
do not contain any error.
(4) The publisher shall
(a) that the serial number of every Chapter (Surah) is
printed on every page and the serial number of every2[Ayah]
is inserted within the sign of conclusion (O) of every 2[Ayah];
(b) that the cover page of every edition of the Holy Quran
clearly bears the name of the publisher, the name of the printing press, and
the year of publication;
(c) that every page of the Holy Quran bears the indication given
in the illustration in the Schedule; and
(d) that on detection of any error or omission in the printed
Holy Quran the leaf on which it occurs is replaced by a fresh leaf free from
such error and omission in each copy:---
Provided that he shall not
be penalized for non-compliance with the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (c).
1Ins. by the Publication of the Holy
Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) (Amdt.) Act, 1987 (10 of 1987), s. 5.
2 Subs. by the Publication of the
Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) (Amdt.) Act, 1976 (38 of 1976), s.
3, for “verse (Ayah)”.
(5) No translation of the
Holy Quran shall be published 1[or
recorded] without its Arabic text.
3(6) No record of the Holy Qur’an which
injuries its sanctity in any form shall be prepared].
2[5A. Literal distortion of the text
of Ayah. Where,
in a copy 3[or
record] of the Holy Quran or in any extract thereof published in a text-book,
prayer-book, religious treatise or otherwise, an Ayah has been
so literally distorted, either by change of a word, or of sequence, or of Aarab, as
to alter its meaning, the printer or publisher thereof, 2[or,
as the case may be, recording company], whether registered under this Act or
not, shall, unless he 3[or
it] can prove that such distortion occurred only due to a printing 2[or
mechanical] error, be liable to the punishment provided for in section 6.]
3[5B. Translation or interpretation of the
Holy Qur’an contrary to belief of Muslims. Where, in a copy or record of the Holy
Qur’an, or in any extract thereof published in a text book, prayer book,
religious treatise or other book, an Ayah of the Holy Qur’an is translated,
interpreted or commented upon by a non Muslim contrary to the belief of
Muslims, the author, printer or publisher, or the person who prepared the
record, whether registered under this Act or not, shall unless, he can prove
that such translation, interpretation or commentary occurred only due to a
printing or mechanical error, be liable to the punishment provided for in
section 6.].
6. Penalty.___4[(1) A printer or publisher who, or a
recording company which, contravenes any provision of this Act or the rules
made thereunder, or a person in whose voice a record is prepared, or a person
who has certified, under sub-section (3) of section 5, a specimen copy, or
record, of the Holy Qur’an which is not in conformity with the provisions of
this Act shall be liable to imprisonment for a term which may extend to three
years, or with fine amounting to not less than five thousand rupees, or with
(2) The registration under
section 3 of a publisher who, 5[or
recording company which,] is convicted of an offence under sub-section (1) may
be cancelled.
7. Offences by
Corporation. If the
person guilty of an offence under sub-section (1) of section 6 is a company or
other body corporate, every director, manager, secretary or other officer
thereof shall, unless he proves that the offence was committed without his
knowledge or that he exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission
thereof, be deemed to be guilty of such offence.
1 Added, by Act 10 of 1987, s. 5.
2New section 5A ins. by the Publication
of the Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) (Amdt.) Act, 1976 (38 of
1976), s. 5.
3 Ins. by the Publication of the
Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) (Amdt.) Act, 1987 (10 of 1987), ss.
6 and 7.
4 Subs. ibid., for sub-section (1),
s. 8.
5 Ins. ibid.,
8. Power to make
rules. ___(1) The Federal Government may, by
notification in the official Gazette, make rules1for
carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular and
without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may
provide for,---
2[(a) the inspection of the copies and records of the Holy
Qur’an printed or, as the case may be, prepared before the commencement of this
(b) the prohibition of the sale of copies 2[and
records] containing errors [;]3
4[(c) the checking of all such copies 2[and
records] of the Holy Quran as have not been certified under this Act as free
from errors, at the expense of the publisher 2[or
recording company]; and
(d) the seizure of such copies 2[or
records] of the Holy Quran in which there exist errors which cannot, in the
opinion of prescribed authority, easily be corrected in print 2[or
[See section 5(4) (c)]
Upper side of the page
Serial number if Surah Page number Serial number
With caption as with opening world as
Lower side of the page
Serial number of Surah Manzil Serial number
of Surah with
With serial number of the concluding opening Ayah on
the page as
Ayah on
the page as
1 For the Holy Quran (Elimination of
Printing Errors) Rules, 1973, vide S.R.O., No. 1456 (I)/73, dated 9-10-1973,
see Gaz. of P. 1973, Ext., (
2 Subs. ins. and added by the
Publication of the Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) (Amdt.) Act,
1987 (10 of 1987), s. 9, which was previously amended by Act 38 of 1976.
3 Subs. by the Publication of the
Holy Quran (Elimination of Printing Errors) (Amdt.) Act, 1976 (38 of 1976), s.
5, for full stop.
4 New cls. (c) and (d) added ibid.
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