Updated: Monday January 04, 2016/AlEthnien
Rabi' Awwal 24, 1437/Somavara
Pausa 14, 1937, at 02:36:45 AM
1ACT No. XXIV OF 1950
January, 1950]
Act to provide for the retention in service of certain persons enrolled for
service in the 2*
WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the retention in service of certain persons enrolled for service in the 2* Pakistan Navy;
It is hereby enacted as follows:---
1. Short title, and commencement.___ (1) This Act may be called the Pakistan Navy (Extension of Service) Act, 1950.
(2) It shall come into force at once
Extension of service where term of service has expired. Until such date as may be notified in this behalf
by the 3[Federal Government], any person enrolled for service in the
2* Pakistan Navy who, by reason of the expiry of the term for which
1 For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Gaz. of P.,1950, Pt. V,
p. 52.
Act has been___
(i) applied to
(ii) applied in the Federated Areas of
Baluchistan, see Ibid., 1953, Pt. I, p. 152;
(iii) extended to the Leased Areas of
Baluchistan, see the Leased Areas (Laws) Order, 1950 (G. G. O. 3 of 1950);
(iv) extended to the Baluchistan States
Union by the Baluchistan States Union (Federal Laws) (Extension) Order, 1953
(G.G.O. 4 of 1953), as amended; and
(v) extended to the Khairpur State, see the
Khairpur (Federal Laws) (Extension) Order, 1953 (G.G.O. 5 of 1953).
Act has been and shall be deemed to has been brought into force in Gwadur with
effect from the 8th September 1958, by the Gwadur (Application of Central
Laws) Ordinance, 1960 (37 of 1960), s. 2.
2The word "Royal" omitted by A. O.,1961, Art, 2 and Sch.
(with effect from 23rd March, 1956).
3 Subs. by F.A.O. 1975, Art. 2 and Table, for “Central Government”.
he was engaged to serve when so enrolled, is no longer liable for service shall, notwithstanding such expiry, continue to be enrolled for service and to be liable for service in the 1* Pakistan Navy until he is discharged by the order of the Officer Commanding the 1* Pakistan Navy:---
Provided that the period for which the service of any such person is extended under this section shall not exceed five years from the day on which his service would otherwise have terminated.
2* * * * * * *
1 The word “Royal” omitted by A.O., 1961, Art. 2 and Sch. (with
effect from the 23rd March, 1956).
2 Omitted by the Federal Laws (Revision and Declaration) Ordinance,
1981 (27 of 1981), s. 3 and 2nd Sch___
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