Updated: Friday May 22, 2015/AlJumaa
Sha'ban 04, 1436/Sukravara
Jyaistha 01, 1937, at 04:20:24 PM
ACT No. I OF 2014
WHEREAS in the view of prevailing circumstances it is expedient to constitute
Survey of Pakistan to provide for the regulation of surveying and mapping activities
and for the matters connected therewith or ancillary thereto;
AND WHEREAS it is necessary to provide for speedy disposal of such cases and
execution in matters connected therein or ancillary thereto;
It is hereby enacted as follows:---
Short title, extent and commencement.- (1) This Act may called the Surveying and Mapping Act, 2014.
2. Definitions.-
In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or
(i) “aerial
photography” means the act of taking photographs of any portion of the earth
with the help of cameras installed in an aircraft or any sort of air borne
(ii) “datum”
means an arbitrarily selected reference point, plane or surface to which all
measurements are referred including geodetic, vertical and gravimetric datum;
(iii) “deposit
works” mean extra departmental jobs carried out on payment basis;
(iv) “digital
maps” mean geographic maps produced through satellite images, GPS, total
station data or digitized using mapping software;
(v) “engineering
maps” mean the large-scale topographical maps on which engineering works, of
development projects are planned and designed, generally their scale is
equivalent or larger than 1: 10,000;
(vi) “gravity
datum” means the point to which all gravity measurements are referred;
(vii) “Government
department” means a department controlled by Federal or a Provincial Government
and includes any autonomous body, authority or organization established by or
under the Federal or a Provincial law or which is owned or controlled or
administered by the Federal or a Provincial Government or in which the Federal
or a Provincial Government have controlling share or interest and also includes
any local Government;
(viii) “geodetic
datum” means the origin or a point to which all horizontal measurements are
(ix) “geographical
maps” mean maps that show general configuration of physical features of a
certain area on a reference plane;
(x) “geospatial
data” means information collected in hard copy format or in digital format or
any other format for the purposes of preparation of geographical or
topographical data and its attributes, its processing and analysis;
(xi) “imagery”
means remotely sensed image of any resolution depicting any part of the earth
and acquired or obtained using optical or, as the case may be, non-optical
(xii) “local
plane coordinate system” means a rectangular coordinate system generally used
for large-scale mapping;
(xiii) “mapping”
means the art of map-making using specific datum, projection and scale and
includes digital mapping;
(xiv) “national
co-ordinate system” means a plane coordinate system as notified by the Federal
(xv) “National
Naming Authority” means the National Naming Authority established under section
(xvi) “National
Spatial Data Infrastructure” means a system of geospatial databases handling
facilities capable of interacting with each other for effective use of
geospatial data and include set of standards, specifications and policies
defining a framework for collecting, sharing, disseminating, processing and
carrying out analysis on geospatial data in the most cost effective manner with
the key features to allow unrestricted yet controlled sharing of data for
decision support system at strategic, tactical and operational levels;
(xviii) “photogrammetry”
means the art of taking measurements and mapmaking by using mono or, as the
case may be, stereo image of the photographs taken by an aircraft or air borne
vehicle or a satellite;
(xix) “public
survey” means a survey in respect of which details are included in the register
of public surveys;
(xx) “registered
surveyor” means a person who is registered with the Survey of Pakistan as a
land surveyor under this Act and competent to carry out authorized type of
survey work, processing and analysis;
(xxi) “remote
sensing” means the method and art by which characteristics of the objects of
interest can be identified, classified, measured or analyzed without physical
(xxii) “registered
organization” means any organization or authority or agency of the Government,
a private firm or organization duly registered with the Survey of Pakistan
under this Act and competent to carry out authorized type of survey work,
processing and analysis;
(xxiii) “survey”
means the act of taking topographic surveying measurements and collection of
spatial and non-spatial data for preparing geospatial database, its processing
and analysis;
(xxiv) “satellite”
means an artificial body revolving around the earth at some distance;
(xxv) “Survey
(xxvi) “Surveyor
General of
(xxvii) “survey
mark” means benchmark pillar, iron bolt fixed in rock, a mark engraved on any
building, a mark engraved on an in situ rock or a stone embedded in ground, a
triangulation point protected by a cairn, a gravity pillar, a leveling
benchmark, a fixed mark, hill station, monument or any other station or mark
created by the Survey of Pakistan for the purpose of surveying and mapping;
(xxviii) “sup-standard work” means any
survey work which does not conform to the approved specifications and
.standards as may be prescribed by the Survey of Pakistan;
(xxix) “topographical
data” means data, which shows detailed information about shape, size alld
relationship of all features and abstract information of the earth, including
but not limited to natural and manmade objects or features, geographical
names, administrative boundaries and information like elevation, hydrology,
vegetation, population and others; and
(xxx) “vertical
datum” means the surface to which all vertical measurements are referred and
mean sea level is taken as vertical datum of a country.
3. Constitution of Survey of Pakistan.-(l) Notwithstanding anything contained in
any other law for the time being in force, the Survey of Pakistan shall be
deemed to have been established under this Act.
(2) For
efficient administration of Survey of Pakistan, there shall be a Surveyor
Genera of Pakistan who shall be appointed by the Federal Government and there
shall be other officers and staff as may be appointed by the Federal Government
in the prescribed n’ianner.
4. Offices of Survey of Pakistan.- Survey of
5. Administration of Survey of Pakistan.__ Under this Act,_
(a) superintendence
of Survey of Pakistan shall vest in the Federal Government; and
(b) administration of
Survey of Pakistan shall vest in, and be exercised by, the Surveyor General of
6. Functions of Survey of Pakistan.- For carrying out the purposes of this Act,
Survey of Pakistan shall-
(a) be
the sole national surveying and mapping organization of
determine and update geodetic datum’and
projection system of
(c) determine
and update vertical datum using data captured by Survey of Pakistan and
obtained from Government departments, registered organizations or any other
source having such installations along the coastal line of Pakistan;
delineate and demarcate international
borders and relocate boundary pillars;
provide geodetic control, heights and
geographical positions all over
advise Federal Government on the
practices to be followed in the production of geospatial data as well as
surveying and mapping practices and as the case may be in the collection and
dissemination of this kind of information needed for geographical information
systems (GIS) applications;
prepare geospatial data, remote sensing and
geographical information system applications of the entire country on various
scale’s as advised by the Federal Government and provide above services as a
deposit work for a specific area with pre-defined specifications to the
Provincial Governments, district and local governments and other clients from
public as well as private sector;
carry out topographic survey, its updation
and printing of topographic maps of national map series;
(i) compile
derived maps on various scales as required by the Federal Government;
(j) generate
maps on any scale through aerial photography and remote sensing using
analytical and digital methods;
(k) be
responsible to prepare and print guide maps, provincial maps, district maps,
road maps, tehsil maps and miscellaneous geographical maps for the whole of
(l) establish and maintain National Spatial
Data Infrastructure (NSDI) of
train departmel1tal employees and potential candidates from private sector in
various disciplines of surveying, geographical and mapping in the Survey
Training Institute at various levels;
control and coordinate surveying and
mapping activities done by registered organizations and individuals and their
registration process;
carry out magnetic survey of entire country
in a cyclic order as prescribed by Survey of Pakistan for the purpose of
magnetic declination;
(q) have
such other functions as are conferred or imposed on it by or under this Act or
any other law; and
(r) perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Federal
7. Research and development activities.- (l) Survey of Pakistan shall encourage and
collaborate research activities in the field of surveying and mapping, remote
sensing, GIS and other fields related to the discipline of surveying and
mapping, cartography, instrument development and database with national and
international organizations.
Survey of
8. Surveys and demarcation, etc.-(l) Survey of Pakistan shall be responsible
for the delineation and demarcation of international land boundaries of
Survey of
Survey of
Fifty per cent of the
money received against the deposit shall be utilized for capacity building of
the Survey of Pakistan in accordance with the prescribed procedure.
9. Authorization to enter into any land.- (1) Any person authorized by Survey of
Pakistan for the purpose of this section may, in accordance with the applicable
enter into any land and public building, office
or structure for the purpose of carrying out assigned task of collection of
spatial’ or nonspatial data or information subject to applicable laws;
(b) take
measurements in or from any such land from survey mark;
search for and, if necessary, uncover any
existing survey marks in or on any such land; and
insert new survey marks in or on any such
land for the purpose of carrying out any survey under this Act or for the
purpose of maintaining or repairing any permanent survey marks.
This section does not entitle any person so authorized to enter any building or
structure on land, other than a building or structure referred to in clause (a)
of sub-section (l).
10. Datum, projection and standards.-( 1) Survey of Pakistan shall establish and
adopt geodetic, vertical and gravimetric datum at national level. This datum
shall be adopted in all national activities of surveying and mapping, including
those carried out by the armed forces of
Survey of
For the purpose of this section, Survey of Pakistan shall establish independent
local plane co-ordinate systems to meet the needs of construction work, urban
planning and scientific research activities, which systems may be connected
with the national co-ordinate system and shall be kept and maintained as
classified information.
11. Registration.-(l) No public or private organization, private firm or
individual, national or international, shall undertake any geospatial data
collection, production or analysis work and surveying and mapping activities
unless they are registered with Survey of Pakistan for such purpose as may be
prescribed. The qualifications of staff and suitability for such work shall
also be certified by Survey of Pakistan in the prescribed manner.
Before registration, Survey of Pakistan shall obtain clearance of such firms,
organizations and individuals in accordance with such procedure as may be
(3) Sub-sections (l) and (2) shall not apply
to operations of geospatial data production, analysis, surveying and mapping
carried out by-
(a) any
student of surveying, studying in a public educational institution or a
university; and
(b) any
person who produces geospatial data under immediate supervision of a registered
organization, firm or individual.
12. Register.- (l)
Survey of
surveys carried out by Survey
surveys for which details have been forwarded to Survey of Pakistan by any
registered organization or individual.
Survey of
Joint survey and mapping and geospatial data production work with foreign
companies.- No work
related to surveying and mapping, collection and production of geospatial data
within Pakistan shall be undertaken by any individual, private firm or
Government organization in collaboration with any foreign company or firm or
non-governmental organization unless prior written approval is obtained from
the Federal Government, observing the requisite channels.
14. Correction of erroneous data.- (l) Where it comes to knowledge of Survey of Pakistan that
erroneous data is being or was produced by a registered individual, firm or
organization, it-
(a) may
nominate an authorized official to inform by notice in writing requiring such
data producer to correct the same within the time specified in the notice; and
shall have the a’lthority to engage another
registered surveyor to make the correction if data producer does not comply
with the notice. The defaulting data producer shall be i!1formed to this effect
through a written notice.
The data specified in sub-section (1), if not corrected within the time
specified therein, shall immediately be forfeited by Survey of Pakistan and
shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever.
Any costs or expenses incurred on work mentioned in sub-section (1) shall, as a
debt due to the Government, be recoverable through a court of competent
jurisdiction from the registered individual, firm or organization surveyor.
15. Management
of geospatial data.- (1)
Survey of Pakistan shall establish and maintain National Spatial Data
Infrastructure (NSDI) with support of key stakeholders to ensure consistent
mechanism of maintenance, dissemination and sharing geospatial data among all
users by reducing duplication in collection and maintenance of aforesaid data
and to enhance and improve objective decision making.
(2) NSDI established and maintained under sub-section (1) shall, for
development of a system of geospatial databases and data handling facilities,
be capable of interacting amongst all stakeholders and ensure putting in place
design, implementation and maintenance mechanisms for facilitating, sharing,
access and responsible for effective use of geospatial data at an affordable
(3) All basic data or information comprising geodetic data, gravity data,
magnetic data, topographical or geographical data, aerial photographs and all
relevant records, both analogue and digital, prepared and possessed by Survey
of Pakistan shall be maintained in the form of a national geospatial database.
Any registered organization, developing geospatial data, shall, in accordance
with the procedure prescribed, forward a copy of the data to Survey of Pakistan
free of cost for inclusion in the national geospatial database, except’ the
classified data collected by army survey group engineers, Geological Survey of
Pakistan or strategic organizations.
(4) Survey of
16. Supply and use of geospatial data.- (1) All geospatial data, aerial photographs
and satellite imageries may be supplied in the manner and on payment to any
individual or organization, as may be prescribed. Classified data shall be
provided in the manner prescribed and the same shall be returned to Survey of
Pakistan after the specified period.
No .classified maps and data shall be allowed to be used by foreign
consultants, firms or organizations without prior written approval of the
Federal Government.
Without prior written approval of the Surveyor General of Pakistan, no
individual, company, firm, private or Government agency shall copy, digitize or
print a map or aerial photograph or a part thereof prepared by Survey of
Pakistan except digitization by army survey group engineers for operational
requirement of armed forces of Pakistan.
Any map which is top secret, secret or restricted shall not be exported out of
Except as provided under this Act, any act of copying, digitizing or printing
any geographic map or photograph or satellite imagery shall be prohibited.
17. Classified data.- The use and maintenance of all data or maps categorized as top
secret, secret and restricted shall be in accordance with rules.
18. Protection, use and
maintenance of survey marks.- (l)
Nobody shall damage, destroy or remove any survey mark or seize or occupy the
land used for permanent surveying marks. In case the marks are established on
private property, compensation thereof shall be paid by the Federal Government
under applicable law.
No quarrying, demolition, soil gathering or removing or mining activities shall
be carried out on, near or over any survey mark, which may damage or endanger
its safety and effective utilization.
No individual or organization shall carry out any type of construction within a
radius of ten metres of a survey mark, except with prior permission of Survey
of Pakistan and such individual or organization shall bear all expenses
incurred on removal or re-establishment of the survey mark.
Every surveyor or user of survey marks shall ensure its proper safety during
the course of taking observations.
The local administration shall be responsible for protection of all survey
marks under its area of jurisdiction and shall send to Survey of Pakistan
annual report on prescribed form about condition of the survey marks.
19. Geographical names.- (l) Notwithstanding anything contained in
any other law for the time being in force, the Federal Government shall
establish, by notification in the official Gazette, a National Naming Authority
which shall consist of not more than ten members and shall be chaired by the
Surveyor General of Pakistan.
The functions of the National Naming Authority shall be to appropriately name
particular geographical locations and it shall have such powers to enable it to
carry out the said functions as may be prescribed.
20. Offences.-
Any organization, firm, individual or group of individuals engaged in any
unauthorized activity within the meanings of this Act shall render itself an
accused of illegal practices and
shall be asked by Survey of Pakistan to
immediately suspend all such activities;
(b) Survey of
(c) depending
upon nature of such violations, the accused shall be asked by Survey of
Pakistan or its designated official to deposit with the department of Survey of
Pakistan the entire received money and a penalty up to fifty thousand rupees;
(d) in
case Survey of Pakistan is convinced of major offence on part of the accused
then his case shall be referred to a court of law and shall be tried for the
following, namely:-
any individual or group causing
hindrance and obstruction to the work being done by Survey of Pakistan and a
registered surveyor shall be liable to be imprisoned for a term which may
extend upto one month and a fine upto fifty thousand rupees;
(ii) any
individual or group causing damage to survey mark shall be liable to be
imprisoned for a term which may extend upto three months and a fine upto one
hundred thousand rupees;
(iii) an individual
who engages in geospatial data production, analysis and surveying and mapping
activities in violation of the provisions of this Act shall be liable to be
imprisoned for a term which may extend upto one year and a fine upto one
million rupees;
(iv) every act of
damaging, destroying, removing, seizing, occupying or establishing a mark
resembling a permanent survey mark of Survey of Pakistan shall be an offence
under this Act, punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend upto
one month and a fine upto fifty thousand rupees; and
(v) the
owners, directors or managers whosoever of any accused organization, firm, individual
or group of individuals, which engages in geospatial data production, analysis,
surveying and mapping activities or any related activities in violation of the
provisions of this Act, shall, if it is proved that such activities have been
committed with the consent or connivance on the part of the owner, director or
manager, as the case be, be liable to be imprisoned for a term which may extend
up to one year and a fine upto five million rupees.
21. Jurisdiction of courts.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898), no court other than a court of Magistrate of the First Class shall have jurisdiction to try an offence under this Act.
The offences under this Act shall be non-cognizable and bailable.
22. Printing and publishing of maps and geospatial data.- (1) Any of the maps and geospatial data,
whole or part thereof, falling in the responsibility of Survey of Pakistan,
shall not be printed and published by any firm, individual or organization.
During an emergency, selected printing presses of
23. Power to make rules.- The Federal Government may, by notification
in the official Gazette, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
24. Indemnity.- No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie
against any person in respect of anything which is in good faith done or
intended to be done under this Act.
25. Employees to be Civil Servants.-The terms and conditions of service under
Survey of Pakistan shall be governed by the Civil Servants Act, 1973 (LXXI of
1973) and the rules made thereunder.
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