Updated: Monday November 11, 2013/AlEthnien Muharram 08, 1435/Somavara Karthika 20, 1935, at 08:10:08 PM

The University Degrees (Duration of Courses) Ordinance, 1960

Ordinance No. XLII of 1960

12th October, 1960 

An Ordinance to provide for the duration of courses of study for certain degrees of the Universities in Pakistan, and matters connected therewith.

whereas it is expedient to provide for the duration of courses of study for certain degrees of the Universities in Pakistan, and for matters connected therewith;

Now, therefore, in pursuance of the Proclamation of the seventh day of October, 1958, and in exercise of all powers en­abling him in that behalf, the President is pleased to make and promulgate the following Ordinance:---

1. Short title, extent and commencement. — (1) This Ordinance may be called the University Degrees (Duration of Courses) Ordinance, 1960.

(2) It extends to the whole of Pakistan.

(3) It shall come into force at once and shall be deemed to have taken effect on the first day of July, 1960.

2. Definition.  In this Ordinance, “law” means any enactment re­lating to any University, and any statute, Ordinance, regulation, rule, by-law, order or notification made or issued under any such enactment.

3. Duration of courses of study.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law, the duration of the courses of study beginning at any University, or at any college or other institution affiliated to any University, at the commencement of the academic session 1960-61, for the degree, whether Pass or Honours, of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Commerce, shall be three years, and a University examination shall be held at the end of each of such three years.

4. Amendment of University statutes, etc.  As soon as may be, every University shall take steps so to amend the law relating thereto as to bring its provisions in line with those of section 3.

5. Saving.  Nothing in this Ordinance shall apply to a course of study for any such degree as is referred to in section 3 which began at the commencement of the academic session 1959-60, or any earlier session, and any student admitted to any such course shall, in respect of the course and examination, be governed by the law which would apply to him if this Ordinance had not been promulgated.


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