Track Record of Chamber
Nasir Nazir Butt (Advocate)
C/o. Barrister Muhammad Abdus Saleem & Law Associates
1, Mozang Road, Lahore
Phone Nos. 0092-42-7746422 & 0303-6412907
ÏLast updatedÐ
Wednesday May 26, 2004
S. No. Title Subject Matter Name of the Judge and Court Relief sought for Date of conclusion Conclusion
1 Nasir Nazir Butt Vs. LESCO, WAPDA, Lahore. Departmental remedy against excess charge of electricity units. Mr. Nadeem Ashraf, Director General, Federal Ombudsman Secretariat, Regional Office, State Life Building, 15 - A, Sir Agha Khan Road, Lahore.  Implementated  20.06.2003 Inquiry against delinquent staff started as per intimation by SDO.
2 Awais Zia and another Vs. Public  at Large and others Declaration with Permanent Injunction. Mr. Farrukh Hussain, Civil Judge, Lahore.  Declaration  25.02.2004 Declaration granted.
3 Faisal Mehmood Butt & etc. Vs. Public at Large Application for the grant of Succession Certificate. Mr. Muhammad Azam Ch., Civil Judge, Civil Courts, Lahore.  Succession Certificate  06.03.2004 Succession Certificate granted.
4 Najam-ud-Din Vs. Public at Large Application u/s 151 of CPC for the extension of Guardianship Certificate. Mr. Abdul Razzak, Guardian Judge - I, Civil Courts, Lahore.  Endorsement  26.05.2004 Desired endorsement effected.
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